JBS signs partnership with banks to finance environmental actions in the countryside

Through Green Offices, JBS will connect rural producers to Banco do Brasil and Bradesco to obtain credit aimed at sustainability
JBS, a global leader in protein-based foods, has just closed partnerships with Banco do Brasil and Bradesco to facilitate access to rural credit for producers in its supply chain. With support from the company’s Green Offices, livestock farmers will be able to obtain resources to finance environmental regularization actions, contributing to an increasingly sustainable production chain.
The partnership aims to connect these producers to Bradesco and BB, a leader in granting rural credit and which maintains a tradition of promoting agribusiness and the country’s economic development. Green Offices, a pioneering initiative by JBS to support its suppliers, will assessing the needs of each producer so that they can seek the necessary financing to adopt good environmental practices. Banks, through their technical team, will assist in adapting projects and indicating the ideal credit line for each situation.
In this way, JBS, Bradesco and Banco do Brasil demonstrate alignment with integrated management trends and the importance of the transformative role in society, expanding the areas of activity to encourage producers to formalize their lands. The joint action adds value to the countryside and to Brazil, as it provides conditions for the producer to provide the environmental adaptation of their rural property with complete peace of mind and convenience.
“This is yet another effort by JBS towards a sustainable supply chain. Our main objective is to help livestock farmers resolve their environmental liabilities in accordance with Brazilian legislation. This is what we seek with Green Offices. The partnership with banks, such as Banco do Brasil and Bradesco, gives even more strength to this objective”, says Renato Costa, president of Friboi.
Elected for the second consecutive year as the most sustainable bank in the world by the Global 100 ranking, in 2021, Banco do Brasil launched 10 Sustainability Commitments, with goals for a more sustainable world, among which the promotion of Sustainable Agriculture stands out, with the objective of reaching a balance of R$125 billion by 2025. Currently, there are already more than R$121.5 billion allocated by BB.
Associated with the ILPF Network (Integração Lavoura Pecuária Floresta), which works to accelerate the adoption of ILPF technologies by rural producers, Bradesco understands that this partnership contributes to the sustainability of this important sector of the Brazilian economy.
The majority of the resources directed by Bradesco for this partnership will come from the bank itself, made possible through the Rural Product Certificate (CPR). In addition, the initiative will also be able to rely on resources from demand deposits and development programs from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), when available.
Green Offices
With the aim of helping livestock farmers across Brazil meet their socio-environmental criteria, JBS has 15 Green Offices in processing units in different key regions for livestock activities, in the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Pará and Rondônia. The service offers free support to producers who have environmental restrictions, aiming at the environmental regularization of their properties.
The Green Offices have teams of specialized professionals who have access to the necessary tools to diagnose problems and the respective paths to solutions, in addition to a network of qualified consultants, who work with livestock farmers to assist in their environmental regularization.

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