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Máster Program identifies environmental solutions


Máster Program identifies environmental solutions

Sustainability is also about optimizing resources, including combating waste and improving production management. It is with this focus that Máster, a pork producer and exporter, developed its Master Environmental Management System (SGA), a program that ensures that all processes are conducted in a responsible and environmentally sustainable manner.


The SGA acts directly on environmental issues throughout the production chain, influencing the procedures and daily lives of employees, integrated partners, suppliers and stakeholders.
According to Cleonei Gregolin, the company’s environmental manager, the program allows accurate and updated data to be collected on the environmental impact of operations.


“With this, it is possible to monitor indicators of natural resource consumption, waste generation and management, assess environmental risks associated with the activities of our units and thus develop effective, clear and achievable environmental strategies throughout the chain”, he explains.


By analyzing the information collected, it is possible to identify where the greatest waste occurs and focus on specific solutions, as is the example of the Arroio Fundo unit, a unit with a capacity of 8,000 sows, located in the city of Papanduva (SC), which has already reduced 64 % water consumption per animal.


“One of the actions implemented at the unit was water management, which allowed us to identify points for improvement and implement more efficient measures, including a more effective water supply system, and thus reduce waste without compromising the well-being of of the animals”, details Lurdes Marina Oracz, environmental analyst at Master.


Through the SGA, the company’s technical team will continuously monitor indicators and environmental performance, monitoring progress in relation to established goals, identifying deviations and taking corrective measures. This provides a clear view of processes and drives continuous improvement based on sustainable practices, preserving the environment.


Find out more about Máster’s programs on the website


Company details: Headquartered in Santa Catarina, Máster operates in more than 10 countries. Owner of the independent and verticalized chain, the company has more than 38 thousand sows that produce more than 1.2 million piglets/year. It has two industrial units for slaughtering and processing pork protein, three feed factories and an administrative center. Its structure includes 2,000 employees, over 7,000 indirect partners and around 300 rural producer partners.


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