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Pork: Brazil expand international presence of the protein this year


Pork: Brazil expand international presence of the protein this year

The fourth largest producer and exporter in the world, Brazil should increase protein production and exports, according to the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA). New records should be reached.

In the case of pork, ABPA projections also point to exceeding the total of 5 million tons – in this case, for production. In total, the country is expected to produce 5.05 million tons of pork this year, a number up to 1.5% higher than the 4.983 million tons produced in 2022.

The availability of products for the domestic market is expected to remain stable in relation to 2022, with a total of 3.85 million tons. The same should also occur with per capita consumption, repeating the rate of 18 kilos recorded in 2022.

The projection for exports is 1.25 million tons, 12% higher than the export of 1.12 million last year.

“The opening and expansion of several relevant markets in the international pork trade, combined with the support of demand from the main buyers in Brazil, reinforce the prospect of growth in shipments. In this sense, given the maintenance of domestic demand, production should consolidate at around five million tons”, assesses the markets director, Luís Rua.


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