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Aurora Coop advances in animal welfare for pork and poultry production


Aurora Coop advances in animal welfare for pork and poultry production

Cooperativa Central Aurora Alimentos (Aurora Coop) was one of the first Brazilian companies to adopt an animal welfare policy. In 2009, it pioneered the National Humanitarian Slaughter Program and in the following years implemented continuous improvements in the swine and industrial poultry production chains. In 2022, new milestones were reached.

Vice-president Marcos Antonio Zordan emphasizes that concern for animal welfare is present throughout the production chain. Aurora Coop monitors its production systems through checklists and internal biennial assessments with the aim of evaluating advances in the production system within the concepts of animal welfare. Contributing to this effort to increase the quality of life of biological assets, Aurora Coop in 2022 voluntarily participated in research for the editions of the annual reports of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) such as Alianima and Fórum Animal.

Among all the topics covered, among the main commitments made by the cooperative, two themes stand out: the evolution of the collective gestation system for swine sows and the Cage-Free policy, for the consumption of eggs from cage-free hens. To achieve these results, the cooperative invests annually in training and technical and informative materials to qualify its human resources, disseminating knowledge and best practices among employees and creators of its production base.

The advances were notable: in 2022, Aurora Coop reached the important milestone of 85% of properties with a system for housing pig sows in collective pens, an essential improvement for the comfort and well-being of herds of females in the gestation phase and childbirth.

This achievement is portrayed in the third edition of Observatório Swine 2022, an important report that monitors the evolution of the largest food industries in Brazil, providing subsidies for consumers in general regarding the policies adopted by companies and, inserting national pig farming into the global scenario of animal protein production.


Another achievement in 2022 reflects the fulfillment of another goal publicly assumed by Aurora Coop, that is, the transition – in the industrialization of its products – to the consumption of 100% eggs from cage-free chickens. The consolidation of this milestone is documented in the EggLab 2022 Report, in which Aurora Coop actively participates, proving that it has fulfilled this commitment to its consumers and clients.

Zordan shows that the migration to collective gestation and cage-free chicken farming systems is a global trend, as this system promotes a high level of welfare. The transformation, however, requires technical foundation and studies on aspects of structural adaptation, production flow adjustments, investments in equipment and personnel training. “Cage-free chickens are already a reality in egg production and the management of pigs in collective gestation systems are the future of the production system, promoting high levels of productivity and animal welfare”, he predicts.

The cooperative is investing in alternatives to promote well-being and quality of life for animals, a purpose that is part of appropriate behavior for the species, referenced by the Welfare Quality® protocol and included within the Animal Welfare program, followed by Aurora Coop .

Technical advisor Eliana Renuncio highlights that the industry adopts an animal welfare policy in several lines of action, implementing training across the entire production chain, including producers, technicians, transporters and slaughterhouse employees. She notes that in this area, through contracted renowned consultancies, industries and NGOs work in close cooperation, which results in study projects and improvements in various areas involving animal welfare. The company has invested heavily in physical adaptations, transport vehicles, refrigerated plants and rural properties, aiming to minimize the impact of intensive farming and improve the management and structures available to animals.


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